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Isaac Newton


Isaac Newton was a prominent English scientist who made a significant contribution to various fields of science. Discovering the laws of nature and revealing the secrets of universal laws, he had a revolutionary impact on physics, mathematics, and astronomy. In this article, we will look at the main areas of his activity and contribution to the development of science.


Physics: The laws of motion and gravity


One of Isaac Newton's greatest achievements in physics was the formulation of the laws of motion and gravity. In his work Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Principia), he first formulated three laws of motion, known as Newton's laws, which became the foundation of classical mechanics. He also formulated the law of gravitation, which explains the attraction of bodies to each other.


Mathematics: Differential and integral calculus


Isaac Newton made a significant contribution to mathematics by discovering differential and integral calculus. He created a new mathematical methodology that allowed him to study the change of quantities in space and time. The discovery of differential and integral calculus was key to the development of physics and other sciences.
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Astronomy: Kepler's laws and the telescope


Isaac Newton was also interested in astronomy. He used the theories of Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei to create his theory of planetary motion. He proved that bodies moving according to the laws of gravity could correspond to Kepler's laws about the orbits of the planets around the Sun. Newton was also the author of the first reflecting telescope, which allowed the use of mirrors to focus light.


Optics: The decomposition of light and color theory


Optics was another area of Isaac Newton's work. He conducted a number of studies with the spectrum of light, decomposing it into its component colors using a prism. He also developed the color theory, proving that colors are formed from different wavelengths of light.

Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist whose contributions to various fields of science changed the world forever. His laws of motion and gravity, the discovery of differential and integral calculus, and his contributions to astronomy and optics make him one of the greatest scientists in the history of mankind. Isaac Newton left a legacy that continues to inspire and support the development of science today.





BELLA receives funding from the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program under grant agreement number 731505 - DG CNECT (BELLA-S1); DG INTPA, under number LA / 2016 / 376-534 (BELLA-T), and DG DEFIS.

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